In accordance with the 1901 law on Associations, the statutes of the Association (Société des amis de Clairac) have been filed with the prefecture of Lot-&-Garonne. Their full text, consisting of fifteen articles, is reproduced below.
Article 1
The Association has been founded according to the law of July 1st, 1901 and the decree of August 16th, 1901. Its title is “Société des amis de Clairac. Patrimoine et histoire”, or Association of Friends of Clairac. Heritage and history.
Article 2 – Objet
The purpose of this Association is to contribute to the cultural relevance of Clairac (47320, Lot-&-Garonne), by studying its history and heritage, by developing, promoting and supporting cultural events and by dissemination of knowledge about Clairac.
To this end, the Association brings together all those interested and coordinates activities aiming at a raising of interest in Clairac. The Association can work together with local artistic, historical or scientific groups, likely to support its task.
To this end, the Association brings together all those interested and coordinates activities aiming at a raising of interest in Clairac. The Association can work together with local artistic, historical or scientific groups, likely to support its task.
Article 3 – Formal seat
The Association has its formal seat in Clairac, Mairie de Clairac, Place de l'Hotel de Ville, 47320 Clairac. It may be transferred to any other place by simple decision of the Board of Directors, notifying the General Assembly.
Article 4 – Duration
The duration of the Association is unlimited.
Article 5 – Composition & admission
The Society is open to all, without conditions or distinctions. It is composed of:
a) active members,
b) donor members,
c) benefactor members,
d) honorary members.
a) active members,
b) donor members,
c) benefactor members,
d) honorary members.
Honorary members are members who have rendered services reported to the Society. They are appointed by the Board and exempt from membership fees.
The contributions of the other categories of members are fixed each year by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board.
To be a member you must:
a) be approved by the Board,
b) give its written consent to these Articles of Association,
c) pay an annual membership fee, the amount of which shall be fixed by the Board.
Article 6 – Write-offs
Membership in the Society is lost through:
a) resignation,
b) death,
c) cancellation by the Board for non-payment of the membership fee or for serious reasons recognised by the Board.
a) resignation,
b) death,
c) cancellation by the Board for non-payment of the membership fee or for serious reasons recognised by the Board.
Article 7 – Resources
The Association's resources include:
a) membership fees,
b) donations,
c) any subsidies from the State, the region, departments and municipalities or other public or private bodies,
d) the income from its property,
e) the proceeds of sales and fees received for services rendered,
f) all the resources authorized by the laws and regulations in force.
a) membership fees,
b) donations,
c) any subsidies from the State, the region, departments and municipalities or other public or private bodies,
d) the income from its property,
e) the proceeds of sales and fees received for services rendered,
f) all the resources authorized by the laws and regulations in force.
Article 8 – Supervisory Board
The Association is administered by a Board of at least six and no more than twelve members, elected for a term of three years by the General Assembly and renewable alphabetically each year by one-third. Members may be re-elected. To be elected or re-elected, you must obtain at least half of the votes cast.
The Board shall meet at the call of the President, or at the request of a quarter of its members, at least twice a year and as often as the interests of the Company require, either at the registered office or in any other place with the consent of at least half of its members.
The Board shall only validly deliberate if at least half of its members are present or represented by a member of the Board.
Decisions are taken by a majority of the votes of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.
Members unable to attend may be represented by another member of the Board.
The Board has the broadest powers to act on behalf of the Company and to carry out or authorize all acts and transactions that are not reserved for the General Meeting.
The Board shall meet at the call of the President, or at the request of a quarter of its members, at least twice a year and as often as the interests of the Company require, either at the registered office or in any other place with the consent of at least half of its members.
The Board shall only validly deliberate if at least half of its members are present or represented by a member of the Board.
Decisions are taken by a majority of the votes of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.
Members unable to attend may be represented by another member of the Board.
The Board has the broadest powers to act on behalf of the Company and to carry out or authorize all acts and transactions that are not reserved for the General Meeting.
Article 9 – Executive Board
The Supervisory Board elects from among its members:
a) a president charged with executing the decisions of the Board and representing the Society in all the acts of the civil life and in justice, with power of delegation,
b) if necessary, a Vice-President who shall assist the President and replace him if he is unable to attend,
c) a general secretary and, if necessary, a secretary, in charge in particular of convening and drafting the minutes, correspondence and the register prescribed by article 5 of the law of 1 July 1901,
d) a treasurer and, if necessary, an assistant treasurer, who shall keep the accounts of the Association, shall make all payments and receive all sums; he shall, with the authorization of the Supervisory Board, withdraw, transfer and dispose of all property and securities. n general, he is responsible for all matters relating to the assets of the Association
The Supervisory Board may appoint an Honorary President.
In the event of a vacancy in one of these functions, the Supervisory Board shall provisionally replace its members.
a) a president charged with executing the decisions of the Board and representing the Society in all the acts of the civil life and in justice, with power of delegation,
b) if necessary, a Vice-President who shall assist the President and replace him if he is unable to attend,
c) a general secretary and, if necessary, a secretary, in charge in particular of convening and drafting the minutes, correspondence and the register prescribed by article 5 of the law of 1 July 1901,
d) a treasurer and, if necessary, an assistant treasurer, who shall keep the accounts of the Association, shall make all payments and receive all sums; he shall, with the authorization of the Supervisory Board, withdraw, transfer and dispose of all property and securities. n general, he is responsible for all matters relating to the assets of the Association
The Supervisory Board may appoint an Honorary President.
In the event of a vacancy in one of these functions, the Supervisory Board shall provisionally replace its members.
Article 10 – Indemnities
The functions of member of the Board are free and voluntary.
Article 11 – Ordinary General Assembly
The Ordinary General Assembly includes all the members of the Society for whatever reason they are affiliated.
The General Assembly meets every year and may be convened extraordinarily at any other time.
Fifteen days before the fixed date, the members of the Society shall be convened by the Secretary. The agenda is included in the convening notices.
The General Assembly shall listen to the moral report and the financial report for the past financial year. It ratifies these reports and deliberates on the issues on the agenda. Only items on the agenda may be discussed. Decisions are adopted by a majority of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. It shall replace, by secret ballot, the members present or represented.
The General Assembly shall determine the amount of the annual fees.
The annual report and financial statements for the financial year shall be made available to the members of the Company at its registered office during the fortnight preceding the General Meeting convened to approve the financial statements.
The General Assembly meets every year and may be convened extraordinarily at any other time.
Fifteen days before the fixed date, the members of the Society shall be convened by the Secretary. The agenda is included in the convening notices.
The General Assembly shall listen to the moral report and the financial report for the past financial year. It ratifies these reports and deliberates on the issues on the agenda. Only items on the agenda may be discussed. Decisions are adopted by a majority of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. It shall replace, by secret ballot, the members present or represented.
The General Assembly shall determine the amount of the annual fees.
The annual report and financial statements for the financial year shall be made available to the members of the Company at its registered office during the fortnight preceding the General Meeting convened to approve the financial statements.
Article 12 – Extraordinary General Assembly
If necessary, or at the request of at least one quarter of its members, the President shall convene an extraordinary General Assembly.
To validly validate, the Extraordinary General Assembly must be composed of at least one third of its members present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, the Assembly is called again, at least fifteen days apart, and may deliberate validly, regardless of the number of present, by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
To validly validate, the Extraordinary General Assembly must be composed of at least one third of its members present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, the Assembly is called again, at least fifteen days apart, and may deliberate validly, regardless of the number of present, by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
Article 13 – Amendment of the statutes
The statutes are modified by decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly. The changes made to the articles are recorded in the Association's register. The Secretary-General or the Secretary shall complete the statutory declaration and publication formalities required by law.
Article 14 – Rules of procedure
Rules of procedure may be established by the Board for approval by the General Assembly.
Article 15 – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution pronounced by the Extraordinary General Assembly, one or more liquidators shall be appointed by it and the assets, if any, shall vest in accordance with Article 9 of the Law of 1 July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901. The dissolution must be declared to the Prefecture.
Société des amis de Clairac
(Association déclarée en décembre 2017, régie par la loi de 1901)The Société des amis de Clairac is formally based at the town hall of Clairac.
Place de l’Hôtel de ville, 47320 Clairac (France)
+33 6 82 33 61 90